A person witnessing the children struggling with cancer and blood disorders cannot look away. The story and the humanity are too compelling to ignore. The children in treatment attack their individual challenges with audacity and courage. One is called to help . . . to join the fight . . . to share the burden. All of us who work with Superhero Kids Fund team are volunteers. Hundreds of men and women of all ages, ethnicities, professions, and socio-economic backgrounds have joined to give of their time, treasure and talents to make the lives of the children in treatment, and their families, a little better . . . to try and make the load a little lighter . . . to let these children and families know that they are not alone. We . . . the Superhero Kids Fund team are there all the time.
If you are interested in volunteering at the Dell Children’s Medical Center, you can find more information here.
Superhero Kids is proud to spotlight two of our many volunteers who are helping bring joy to the faces of our kids who are going through Cancer and Blood Disordertreatments in Central Texas

GSD&M has been an amazing partner to Superhero Kids from the start. Spending countless hours developing a brand and logo for us, to internally promoting GSD&M employees to participate in virtually every Superhero Kids event, GSD&M has been our true Superhero. Many employees also donate their personal time to participate in our activities, as well as make hospital visits to children and their families. As a GSD&M partner noted, “[Superhero Kids] is the easiest nonprofit to get employees to donate their personal time to.” GSD&M shows us all what a huge impact one company can have, on our young patients, by their support and generosity.
While GSD&M is involved with many local Austin philanthropies, as well as national and international philanthropies, mostly focused on children, education, environment, health/human services and community, they always find time to help Superhero Kids when needed.
We want to thank everyone at GSD&M for going above and beyond to help the families of our kids fighting cancer and blood disorders, and for all that you have contributed to Superhero Kids. Your ongoing generosity and support is greatly appreciated.

Sam Dowd
Some of you might have met Sam at one point or another while being involved with Superhero Kids. You may have seen him organizing the water stops during the Austin Marathon, or maybe you saw him helping with the Survival Challenge. What you might not know is just how much Sam has contributed to Superhero Kids. Sam has been involved with Superhero Kids from day one. After hearing about the idea to form an organization to help children and their families in need while undergoing treatment at the Children’s Blood & Cancer Center, he decided he wanted to help in any way possible.
He has helped form this organization while bringing the spirit and energy needed to support our children through some really tough times. Sam has not only contributed his time, energy, and personal donations, but he has also introduced Superhero Kids to his family and friends. Now the Dowd’s are regulars helping in any way they can. We cannot thank Sam enough for all he has done.

John Borek: Owner of Austin Autocraft Bodywerks wanted to see “if it could be done”. What started outas a fun project for John and staff has turned into a Batmobile, complete with all the bells and whistlesthat help kids forget about their cancer or blood disorder diagnosis if even for a few minutes.
John brings his Batmobile to Superhero Kids events and loves to see the excitement on the faces of thesick children when they see the 1985 Corvette that has been turned into a Batmobile. “It really tugs atyour heart to see 6 and 8 yr. olds with Cancer, it’s the least we could do”.
His future plans include kids being able to use an I-Pad to run most anything on the car remotely fromtheir hospital rooms.”It’s all about making people smile and kids happy.”John is a perfect example of giving time and talent to help so many Superhero Kids.