University of Texas Service Organizations
S.M.I.L.E. (Students Making Impact through Love and Empathy)
Forever Texas
Texas 4000
Special Thanks to the following Austin Artist partners who gave their time and talent to the Austin Art Cow Auction by creating the most beautiful cows in the world to benefit Superhero Kids:
“Cow of Texas” by Sabrina Blanco
“Peace, Love and Harmoony” by Austin Harmony Project, Inc.
“Hairy Deer, Play a Tune” by Bobby Hamric
“Curly Q Cow” by Kimberly K. Smith
“Thriller Cow” by Greg Miller
“Mooquet” by Terrell Powell
“Happy People” by Sabrina Blanco
“Cowmaro” by Dale Whistler
“I’ve Got the Moosic in Me” by Kai Alcantara
“Udderly Austin” by Patti Schermerhorn
“Moosically Speaking” by Robin Tripaldi
“Cowjunto Music” by Elizabeth C. Sullivan
“UCG (User-Generated Cow)” by Eric Schwartz and the Bazaarvoice Team
“Life Savers Cow” by Greg Miller
“Partying with Pi-Cow-sso” by Allison Gregory
“Cowcycle” by Rebecca Wolfe Spratlin
“Texas Sports Holstein of Fame” by Robert Hurst
“Hill Country Beaux Vine & Cheese” by Leanna Surina
“Moosic Capital” by Sharon Roy Finch
“Cowch” by Rebecca Wolfe Spratlin
“A Moo-sical Moo-saic” by Allison Gregory
“BatCow” by Faith Schexnnatder & D.J. Stout
“Blazing Bovine” by Doug Naugle
“Miss Chemoo” by Kathleen Ash
“Just Moo It” by Carolyn Kilday
“Moo-saic” by Amy Outtle & The Bazaarvoice Team
“Flowerida” by Melanie Hickerson
“Moo-sy in the Sky with Diamonds” by Allison Gregory
“Got Color?” by Robert R. (Bob) Jones
“Flamencow” by Elizabeth C. Sullivan
“Wildflower Cow” by Caroline Wright
“A Psy-Cow-delic Cow-ssword Puzzle” by Allison Gregory
“Texi-Cow” by Sage Gibson
“Texas Moosicians” by Mitch Brookman
“Basty Cow at Twilight” by Linda Figg
“Austin’s Far Out! Cow’s on the Moon!” by Christy Kale
“Cowbella” by Jan Heaton
“Tacow” by Laura Sturtz
“Gilded Lady” by Dianne Sonnenberg
“Discow” by Sharon Keshishian
“Vince Young Championship Longhorn” by Scott Tao LaBossiere
“Once In a Blue Moo” by Lewis Signs
“Armoodillo Cow” by Marybell Cruz
“Remember the Alamoo” by Mari Spaeck
“Bats on the Moo-ve” by Adriana Gerbig
“Scrabull” by Heidi Crockett
“Tacky Tourist” by HomeAway Employees
“Barton Springs Eternal” by Christy Kale
“Eye Cowrumba” by Kimberly K. Smith
“Cow-moo-flage” by Yuki Gottschaldt & John Davenberger of Ranch Designs
“Mazy Moo” by Susi Alcantara
“Capitol, City Within a Park” by Robin Tripaldi
“Shodo Ushi” by Tim Carroll
“Moolah” by Robert Kotrola
“Chia Cow” by Nathan Alcantara
“Austin Bluebonnets Cow” by Marybell Cruz
“I Love Moo” by Angi Gahler
“Moo-vement” by Angi Gahler
“Kaleidescope Kow” by Anna Bradley
“Night Mooves” by Anne Crossway
“Texas Road Trip Cow” by Carolyn Kilday
“Morning Glory & Death” by Cheryl D. Latimer
“Leche Fresca” by Fidencio Duran
“Cookies & Milk ““ 100 Years of Girl Scouts” by Heidi Crockett
“Magnetic Cow” by Jill Beckwood
“The ‘Ol Cowskin” by Joshua Spiers
“Flower Power Connection, Esther Eloise” by Julia Ann McDonald
“On Your Mark, Get Set, Moo” by Julie Diaz & Dale Whistler
“Cownucopia” by Laura Sturtz
“Cow Quarium” by Le Green Shubert
“Texas Cow-try Summer Nights” by Leanna Surina
“Guitar Cow” by Mary Ruden
“Western Cow” by Nichelle Notabartolo
“Mootalica” by Oscar Galvan